3rd Party Sponsor Billing
3rd Party/Sponsored Billing - General Information
A third-party entity is defined as an individual, private, government or state agency, or other outside entities who will assist in paying for any portion of your tuition and/or fees AND they are requesting a bill directly from the University. Examples include military tuition assistance, State Vocational Rehabilitation, workforce centers, etc.
UCCS will bill the agency or organization on your behalf but must receive written authorization from the sponsoring agency or organization before the third-party billing can be processed. It is your responsibility to submit the Sponsor Billing Request and provide a Letter of Authorization from your sponsor each term before the tuition payment arrangement deadline. These payments are subject to the same federal reporting requirements as other financial aid
The charges paid by the sponsor can vary – some will pay tuition and mandatory fees, others will also pay for parking, housing, books, and supplies. Students are responsible for paying any charges not authorized by the agency by the term due date (due date information) to avoid the application of late fees & service charges to their student account.
Students utilizing a third party sponsor must submit the following documents EACH TERM
Letter of Authorization
Sponsor Billing Request
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all required documents are received by Student Financial Services prior to the due date to avoid late and service charges. Late fees will be assessed if forms are received after the add/drop period.
Students will be notified at each stage of the billing process
Once a student submits their Sponsor Billing Request, the department will receive a notification. A “conditional payment” will usually appear on the student account within 72 hours of receipt of the required documents. This credit does not mean that Student Financial Services has received payment from the third party; it means authorization has been received.
The Third Party Billing Specialist will begin the invoicing process after the term census date. This prevents unnecessary duplicate billing due to schedule changes. If your sponsor requires immediate invoicing, please have them contact us at the email address/phone number below.
Third Party Sponsors cannot use QuikPay or its authorized users function to make payments.
When a sponsor pays the university, the student is again notified letting them know payment has been received.
Please submit your 3rd Party Sponsor Billing Request as soon as possible after registering for the upcoming semester. This form is required EVERY TERM you would like UCCS to bill your 3rd party sponsor for your tuition and fees.
To submit the Sponsor Billing Request, please log in to your myUCCS student portal, click on the "hamburger" menu icon [image of menu icon] in the upper right corner, select Student Financials (Bursar), then click on the Sponsor Billing Request tile.
Your student information will be automatically populated in the form. You will need to select your sponsor. If you are unsure of your sponsor or do not see your sponsor in the drop-down menu, please type in the name of your sponsor in the provided field. On the next page you will be able to upload your Letter of Authorization (link to LOA section). *If you are using Federal Army TA you will not a have a document to attach. Please see below for other exceptions.
General Letter of Authorization (LOA) form can be found here
Please read this section carefully as some sponsors have requirements that necessitate our deviation from some of the above requirements.
- Colorado National Guard/State Tuition Assistance – as the State TA office requires confirmation of charges, payments (grants, scholarships, etc) after the term due date, we are unable to put the conditional payment on accounts until final confirmation of approved sponsorship amounts. These students will instead have late fee holds added to their student accounts.
- Active-Duty Army Tuition Assistance – these students do not need to provide an LOA as that is given to the school directly via the ArmyIgnitEd system. These students are still required to submit a Sponsor Billing Request. Please see the DOD TA page for more information.
- AmeriCorps – these students do not need to submit documentation to SFS as their sponsorship goes through the Student Employment Office.
- Colorado Department of Vocational Rehabilitation – Authorization documents are provided directly to us by your counselor. This sponsor does require Pell grants and institutional aid to be applied to accounts first. If this aid comes in late and generates a refund, it is the student's responsibility to return this payment.
- Ch. 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill & Ch. 31 VR&E – Please visit the Veteran & Military Affairs website. These are VA benefits and do not fall under Third Party Billing.
- Army HR Command, Army ROTC, AF ROTC, AFIT, AFIT AOC, USAFA AMT – these students do not need to provide an LOA as that is given to the school directly. These students are still required to submit a Sponsor Billing Request.
- County Workforce Centers – Most workforce centers will email the vouchers to the school directly or they will send them to the student. Either way, student should submit a sponsor billing request as early as possible. Once our office has both the sponsor billing request and voucher we will move forward in the process.
- It is your responsibility to request a sponsor billing request for each term you plan on using a sponsor. This must be submitted before the due date to avoid late fines and service charges.
- It is your responsibility to notify SFS if you make changes to your schedule.
- Some sponsors require grants and institutional funding to apply to student bills before they will pay the remaining balance. We do our best to ensure that this procedure is followed as required, however Financial Aid is a separate department and aid sometimes applies to accounts after our billing process. If you receive an incorrect refund, it is the student’s responsibility to return it within 30 days of receipt. If you are unsure of the validity of a refund, please contact us at the email address/phone number below.
- You are responsible for paying your portion of the bill by the due date to avoid late fines and service charges.
- It is your responsibility to notify SFS if there are changes to the terms of your sponsorship.
- If for any reason the agency refuses to pay, the balance will become the student’s responsibility. The student will be notified via email if 2nd and 3rd invoices are needed. If the sponsor does not pay by the 3rd invoice, the school will reverse the conditional payment. The student will have 30 days to remit payment or will face fines and registration holds.
- Your Third Party cannot be invoiced any items that are not posted to your student account.
- SFS does not submit grades or transcripts. You are responsible for providing any additional information required by the sponsoring agency.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) allows universities to disclose student records or identifiable information without the student's consent to persons or organizations providing financial aid (e.g., sponsorships). The sponsor must agree to abide by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and not disclose student information to others without the express written approval of the student.
The College Opportunity Fund (COF) went into effect fall 2005. The COF program provides tuition stipends to resident undergraduate students who apply for the program and authorize the application of the credit to their account. For the current per credit hour rate for eligible classes, please review the COF Page
Unless the sponsor indicates otherwise, the university will assume that all tuition-based awards are meant to be used as tuition less the COF, if the student is eligible, without regard to whether the sponsored student has applied for the COF program and/or approved application of the credits to his/her account.
- How to apply online: Go to the College Opportunity Fund website at https://cof.college-assist.org. Apply for the COF stipend. Wait 3-5 days; then go to the myUCCS Student Portal to authorize.
- How to authorize online: Go to myUCCS Portal, then do the following:
- Click on the "hamburger" menu icon [
] in the upper right corner, then select Student Financials (Bursar).
- Click on the Authorize COF tile.
- Click on the link Update Authorization.
- Select one of the two options: Authorize or Refused Authorization. If you select Authorize, this will remain on record, and you will not be required to update authorization in the future.
- Click Submit.
- Click on the "hamburger" menu icon [
3rd Party Sponsor Billing - Contact Information
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
3rd Party Sponsor Billing
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80918-3733
Main Hall, 2nd floor
Cashier Window
(719) 255-3423