UCCS SFS - Payments - 3rd Party Sponsor Billing - Division of Vocational Rehab (DVR)
3rd Party Sponsor Billing - Specific for DVR
The Office of 3rd Party Sponsor Billing receives an Authorization/PO for DVR Service from the State of Colorado – Department of Human Services - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR).
The process for 3rd Party Sponsor Billing is the following:
Before the census date (payment due date) of each semester, we need the DVR PO to apply a credit to the student account. If books are authorized, we send the information to our bookstore, indicating special accounts billing. This allows the student to check out their books at the bookstore. The book charges are posted to the student account, and DVR is invoiced for these purchases along with any authorized tuition and fee expenses.
This authorization contains the following:
- PO number which is referenced when invoiced
- Name of sponsored student
- Office
- Name of counselor
- Date authorized
- Service Description: This states the amount the purchase order will pay for in tuition and fees, and for which semester with beginning and ending dates.
- If books are part of the PO, this can be identified here with the amount allowed.
Where should the letter of authorization be sent?
When do sponsors get billed?
The university bills 3rd party sponsors when the add/drop period is over. If books are authorized, we invoice after Special Accounts closes at the bookstore. Whenever possible, we prefer to send bills electronically to minimize costs and expedite payment. Terms are "Due Upon Receipt." The university will make reasonable efforts to accommodate sponsors' specific billing requirements, but we expect students to provide any documentation, corroborations, or notifications required by their sponsors.
When are payments due, and what payments does UCCS accept?
Payment is due upon receipt of the bill. Payments can be remitted by mail, wire transfer, or ACH transmission. Remittance information is as follows:
By Electronic Funds Transfer:
Contact us at 719-255-3399
By Mail:
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Office of 3rd Party Sponsor Billing
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs CO 80918-3733