Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
DO NOT WAIT FOR A PAPER BILL. Your itemized bill and balance due must be accessed through the myUCCS Portal. Access the "Student Financial Services" area in the myUCCS Portal to view your itemized statement and balance, enroll in a deferred payment plan, and make payments.
Should you require an account summary that includes charges and payments from the previous term, please send a request to our office at bursar@uccs.edu. Be sure to include the term(s) for which you need documentation.
Please go to the Payment Policies and Deadlines page to view the deadlines and due dates for the various payment options.
You may learn how to read your bill here: How to read your Account Summary
UCCS will put holds on a student account for various reasons, many of them are strictly for record keeping.
These holds may be reported in the Student Services Center:
Cash/Certified funds only: Student may pay their bill using cash(in-person only), certified check or credit card only. No personal checks or e-checks will be accepted.
Past Due under $100: This hold prevents releasing transcripts or diplomas and restricts short term loans.
Past Due over $500: This hold prevents adding courses, in addition to releasing transcripts or diplomas and restricting short term loans.
Payment Plan Active: This hold indicates that a student is currently enrolled in a payment plan. The hold is for record keeping and prevents late fees on the student account.
Extended registration for the semester runs through the Census date. All charges will be due in the next billing cycle (see the Calendar page for details). Please be advised that students registering for classes after the Census date will be assessed a late registration fee of $50.
If you are using Financial Aid to pay your bill, and you do not expect to receive your aid before the due date (Census date or final add/drop date), you have the option to enroll in a payment plan to avoid late fees. Payment Plan enrollment is available in the myUCCS Portal. Any amount not covered by Financial Aid or a Payment Plan agreement will be due on the semester due date (see the Calendar page for details).
Please visit the COF website at https://cof.college-assist.org to read about COF and determine if you are eligible. Most undergraduate Colorado residents are eligible for COF. Courses added after census date are not eligible for COF.
In addition to applying for COF, you must authorize your COF funds to be paid by going to the myUCCS Portal and clicking on Student Financials (Bursar) > COF Authorization. Choose the option to Authorize COF and hit submit.
Tuition is only a portion of your total bill. For undergraduates, mandatory fees also apply every semester. Visit the Tuition and Fees page to see a list of tuition and mandatory student fees. Other fees may also apply such as course fees, room & board, fines, etc.
Academic Outreach/Extended Studies courses are billed differently than main-campus courses. You can find the answers to your questions by visiting our Online and Academic Outreach billing page.
Students must act on their own behalf. Parents, high school officials and others are not permitted to enroll, drop, or add classes on behalf of the student. Students are covered under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Parents may gain access to student records only if the student submits a FERPA waiver giving consent. This can be done, by the student, in the UCCS student portal.