UCCS SFS - College Opportunity Fund
What is COF?
For full details about COF, please visit the COF website at https://cof.college-assist.org.
The College Opportunity Fund (COF), created by the Colorado Legislature, provides a stipend to eligible undergraduate students. The stipend pays a portion of your total in-state tuition when you attend a participating college.
Eligible undergraduate students must apply, be admitted and enroll in classes at a participating college to receive this benefit. Both new and continuing students are eligible for the stipend. Qualifying students may use the stipend for eligible undergraduate classes. The stipend is paid on a per credit hour basis directly to the college at which the student is enrolled. The credit-hour amount is set annually by the General Assembly.
COF Issues - myUCCS Portal To Do List
When issues arise with your COF eligibility, items will be placed on your "To Do List" in the myUCCS Portal instructing you how to resolve those issues.
The sections below show what those instructions will be.
Revoked COF
If your eligibility to receive the College Opportunity Fund (COF) to help you pay for your tuition has been “Revoked,” this may be caused by one or more of the issues below.
- Not Applied for COF
- Mismatch of data between UCCS and College Assist, including: SSN, name, birthdate
- Other issues (rare)
To correct any of these issues, please log into the College Opportunity Fund web site at https://cof.college-assist.org and apply for COF. Or, if you've already applied for COF, check that your SSN, name, and birthdate are all correct. Likewise, visit the Office of the Registrar (Main Hall 108, 719-255-3361) and check that your SSN, name, and birthdate are all correct. After making the necessary corrections, please wait for 2-3 business days to check your account.
Applying For and Authorizing COF
A credit will be applied to your student financial account if you apply for the College Opportunity Fund and authorize UCCS to use your COF. Until about two weeks before the semester ends, you can apply for and authorize COF online. NOTE: Classes added after Census date are not eligible for COF.
How to apply online:
- Go to the College Opportunity Fund website at https://cof.college-assist.org.
- Apply for the COF stipend.
- Wait 3-5 days; then go to the myUCCS Student Portal to authorize (see below).
How to authorize online:
- Go to myUCCS Portal, then do the following:
- Click on the "hamburger" menu icon in the upper right corner, then select Student Financials (Bursar).
- Click on the Authorize COF tile.
- Click on the link Update Authorization.
- Select one of the two options: Authorize or Refused Authorization. If you select Authorize, this will remain on record, and you will not be required to update authorization in the future.
- Click Submit.
Any Questions:
Visit the COF website at https://cof.college-assist.org/.
Contact the Office of the Registrar Main Hall 108, 719-255-3361 or email at registrar@uccs.edu
For additional information, please visit the the Registrar's FAQ page