Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions - SDM

Students enrolling at UCCS are responsible for full payment of tuition and fees.  Students should be prepared to pay their bills in full.  If that is not possible, do not ignore the debt.  Always make sure Student Debt Management (SDM) knows your current address and phone number, even if you don't think you will be returning to campus.  Your ability to secure financing in the future may be adversely affected.  Call Student Debt Management (719-255-3391) immediately to discuss payment options.

The UCCS email is the official form of communication at UCCS.  Students receive email notification regarding their bill.  Also, students have access to their student portal 24/7.  Failure to receive a tuition bill does not dismiss the student from his or her obligation for payment.  The student is responsible for viewing and paying these invoices.  Once the account is turned over to SDM, letters requesting payment are mailed out monthly until the account is sent to any outside collection agency.  If you move, you are responsible for notifying SDM, the University, and the U.S. Postal Service of any new mailing address.

Failure to pay tuition does not cancel your enrollment in the classes and will not eliminate or reduce the financial obligation.  Failure to attend classes does not cancel a student’s registration.  If you failed to attend classes due to extenuating circumstances, contact the Office of Admissions and Records at 719-255-3361 to possibly appeal your tuition and mandatory fee charges.

There is withdrawal deadlines published each semester reflecting refund withdrawal adjustments.  Short courses throughout the term have special academic and financial deadlines.  Refer to the schedule of courses for the deadline dates and refund withdrawal adjustments.  If you have received financial aid or have tuition assistance (TA), the financial aid or TA payments may also be adjusted and you are still responsible to pay these funds back.  If you withdrew from the classes due to extenuating circumstances, contact the Office of Admissions and Records at 719-255-3361 to possibly appeal your tuition and mandatory fee charges.

It is likely that you did not formally withdraw by the published deadlines.  If you failed to attend classes due to extenuating circumstances, contact the Office of Admissions and Records at 719-255-3361 to possibly appeal your tuition and mandatory fee charges.

When internal collection efforts by our office are unsuccessful, past due accounts may be referred to any of the following external collection agencies:

General Revenue Corporation
Customer Advocate Department
PO Box 495999
Cincinnati, OH 45249-5999

National Credit Management
10845 Olive Blvd, Suite 210
PO Box 32900
St Louis, MO 63132

Fax 314-787-8972

S & S Recovery, Inc
2418 Stage Center Drive
Memphis, TN 38134

Williams & Fudge
300 Chatham Ave
Rock Hill, SC 29730

SDM does not report your past due account to credit bureaus while you are in active repayment.  However, once an account is forwarded to a collection agency, the account will be reported to the credit bureaus.

UCCS is an agency of the State of Colorado, as is the Department of Revenue.  Thus, your tax refund may be used to pay your outstanding debt through a tax offset.

No.  The Repayment Agreement for Past Due Accounts prevents accounts from being forwarded to a collection agency and enables you to pay your past due debt on a monthly basis, but Finance Stops are only lifted when your account is paid-in-full.

A service charge to cover collection costs may be charged up to 1% per month on the unpaid balance.

Monthly payments are negotiated based on several factors, including how much you owe and the information provided on a financial statement.  Unless financial hardships exist, repayment should be completed within a year.

If you cannot pay anything toward your bill, your account will first go to SDM.  If you have not set up a payment plan or paid your account in full, your account will be placed with a collection agency.

Yes.  Instead of receiving the monthly collection letter, you will receive a reminder of your monthly payment with a tear-off return slip to send back with your payment.  However, if you do not receive the reminder 10-days prior to your payment deadline, in order to comply with your agreement, you must send your payment (with your account info written on your check) to the SDM address so that it is received by your payment due date.

You must contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance in using loans to cover past due balances. There are certain policies and procedures that must be followed in these cases and many times certain types of student loans and aid cannot cover past due balances from previous terms.

There is a $30.00 returned check fee and will be added to your student account.

University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Student Financial Services
Student Debt Management

1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Office: 719-255-3391
Fax: 719-255-3467