Veteran Benefits Required Docs & Late Fee Policy
Veteran Benefits Required Docs & Late Fee Policy
The Veteran and Military Affairs (VMA) office, located in Gateway Hall, serves as the intermediary between students and the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA). All students utilizing VA education benefits (Chapters 30, 33, 35, and 1606) or Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits (Chapter 31) must contact the VMA to submit the documentation required to utilize these benefits.
Required documentation will include a Certificate of Eligibility (mailed to the student by the St. Louis Regional Processing Office) or a Statement of Benefits printed from the student’s E-Benefits account (for education benefits) or a Form 1905 from a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (for Voc Rehab benefits). This eligibility document will be required once at the start of your first term at UCCS. Additionally, each student must submit a Request for Enrollment Verification (REV) each semester in which the student wishes to use their benefit. The Request for Enrollment Verification (REV) is located in the student portal and must be submitted every term after the student registers for that term. Additional documentation may be required in certain circumstances (i.e., transferring benefits from a different school).
Students using the Post 9/11 GI Bill (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation (Ch. 31) who submit the required documentation prior to each semester's due date will not incur late fines on their student accounts for any balances that will be paid by the VA. Students using any other VA education benefit (CH. 30, 35, 1606) are subject to the same payment policies as all other students and must pay their balances in full or set up a payment plan by the term due date or will be subject to late fines and service charges.
Post 9/11 GI Bill & Voc Rehab students who fail to submit their eligibility document and REV prior to the student’s first semester's due date will have late fees applied to their student account. Post 9/11 GI Bill & Voc Rehab students who fail to submit their REV prior to the due date for each subsequent term will have late fees applied to their student account.
Students using Veterans Benefits to pay for their tuition and fees should always monitor their student account to ensure they are aware of any fees they must pay out of pocket. Late fees will be imposed on student accounts with outstanding balances sourced from fees the VA will not pay (parking passes, e-textbook charges, housing charges, student’s portion of tuition if eligible for less than 100%). For student account inquiries, please contact Student Financial Services at 719-255-3391 or