UCCS SFS -Bursar / Cashiering Office - Payment Policies and Deadlines - Spring 2020

Tuition and Fee Agreement and Disclosure

General Information

Web registration for Spring 2020 begins October 28, 2019.

There are several payment options available to suit your needs. Please review the options and choose one that is right for you.

OPTION 1:  Spring 2020 - Pay In-Full

Students registering prior to 5:00 pm, February 5, are required to pay the total balance in-full by 5:00 pm on February 5.  See the options below if you are unable to pay in-full by February 5; otherwise, late fines may be applied.

After February 5 (census date), students can no longer register without special permission from UCCS Records.  Those who have permission to register after census date must come to the Cashier window in Main Hall to make payment arrangements before adding any classes.

OPTION 2:  Spring 2020 - Payment Plan

You may enroll in the Payment Plan at the myUCCS Portal.  For more information please visit http://mycollegepaymentplan.com/uccs/

If you have any questions or need assistance with this plan, contact the Cashiering Office at Main Hall (2nd Floor) or at 719-255-3391.

Payment Methods

  • E-Check / Automatic bank payment (ACH)
  • Credit card / debit card (additional service fees may be assessed)

Cost to Participate

  • $40 enrollment fee per semester ***YOU MUST RE-ENROLL IN A PAYMENT PLAN EVERY SEMESTER***
  • $30 returned payment fee if a payment is returned

Simple Steps to Enroll

  • Log in to myUCCS Portal.
  • Select the Student Financials (Bursar) link.
  • Select Enroll in a Payment Plan.

Target Dates to Enroll By:

Enrollment Dates
Number of payments
Months of payments
Jan 2 - Jan 194Jan - Apr
Jan 2 - Feb 53Feb - Apr
Payments are processed automatically on the 20th of each month.

OPTION 3:  Spring 2020 - Financial Aid

All financial aid must be applied to the tuition/fees bill first, and any over-payment will be refunded to the student.

Students enrolled for Spring 2019 courses will have until February 5 to pay for any outstanding balance not covered by financial aid;  otherwise, late fines may be applied.

Withdrawal Refund Deadlines

February 5, 5pm is the last day to withdraw and receive a 100% credit against your TOTAL bill minus any non-refundable fees.  If you withdraw by this date, any College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend credits will be reversed.

Please contact UCCS Student Financial Services at 719-255-3391 if you have any questions, or visit us at Main Hall (2nd Floor).